Elmastukwek First NationJul 10COMMUNITY GARDENFree StrawberriesWe will be sharing free strawberry plants for anyone who wishes to start a garden at home. Stay tuned for an update later this fall....
Elmastukwek First NationSep 29, 2023COMMUNITY GARDENHelp us win $2,500 for our Edible Food ForestHey everyone! We need your help to win an additional $2,500 for our Edible food forest. All you need to do is vote for Elmastukwek!...
-Jun 1, 2023NATURAL RESOURCESNEEDED: Volunteers for the Community Garden this Saturday, June 3rd!!Our community band was 1 of 5 organizations across Canada to be chosen for a $2,500 grant from Scotts Canada to grow a community garden,...