Elmastukwek First NationSep 3YOUTH COMMITTEEIndigenous Youth Gathering in Corner Brook in OctoberInformation Sharing on Behalf of WiseNL For more details, please see our website: https://iyi.wisenl.ca/students-schools/iyg2024/
Elmastukwek First NationSep 28, 2023CULTURAL ACTIVITIESCBC Interview about our Community Photo AlbumWe had a great interview this morning with Bernice Hillier @CBC Newfoundland Morning talking about the photo album project. Wela'lin...
Elmastukwek First NationSep 15, 2023MI'KMAW HISTORYBand Photo Album ProjectInterested in including your family's photos in our digital band photo album? Bring an old family photo or 2 with you on Orange Shirt...
Elmastukwek First NationSep 12, 2023COMMUNITY EVENTSOrange Shirt Day 2023Join us as we gather as a community to honour Residential School and Indian Day School survivors and those who didn't return. On this...
Elmastukwek First NationFeb 17, 2023CULTURAL ACTIVITIESJoin Us For a Day of Traditional Mi'kmaw TeachingsSunday, February 19, 2023